About Me

Sunday 31 August 2014

5 Years Old

What would you do
in 5 short years?
Would you make them the most
or hide from your fears?
Our little Cory
chose to live
Every day with a smile
and love to give
Though stricken with cancer
before he was one
his journey through life
had only begun
No matter how bad
he might have felt
He always knew how
to make your heart melt
Living life to its fullest
Each day he Awoke
He could make you smile
Every time he spoke
He filled the room
with laughter and tears
And touched many lives
in his 5 short years

He had a surprise
if you took his hand
then walk you outside
to his baseball land
It was the game he loved
more than anyone you know
Once his bat in hand
He'd put on a show
He would talk of his pets
if you'd lend him an ear
or anything else
you'd take time to hear
There were no strangers
to Cory Duane
He cared for everyone
no matter their name
The most amazing child
for such a young man
He looked up to his father
---- His biggest fan
When he was picked up at school
he beat all the kids out
with his arms opened wide
"That's my Dad" he would shout

They would wait on his brother
before going home with Dad
And spend the whole weekend playing
with every toy he had
He would tease his brothers
in his superman Jammies
and rock his guitar
like those at the Grammy's
Course Nana and Papa
would often stop by
to see that their "Precious"
was doing alright
At the close of day
He'd ask "Pat my Butt"
Knowing you'd take time
no matter what
He fought hard to beat
the disease he had
And would never complain
of feeling bad
It's certainly not fair
the battle he fought
All those who knew him
took in what he taught
For those who missed out
on life's smallest lesson
We're sorry you missed out
on our biggest blessing
For someone so young
his heart was of Gold
You would never have known
he was just 5 years old

by:      Kristie

My Daughter's Tears

Until it affects someone we love,
We don't even know it's there.
It's really not our problem,
So why should we care.

The statistics are quite shocking,
One in four they say
Will suffer from depression
In their lives one day.

There's not much stigma anymore
For this serious mental flaw.
But no one knows where it will strike,
It's just the luck of the draw.

No one would choose to live with it,
And some don't even try.
I see my daughter suffering
And all she can do is cry.

Most people turn the other cheek,
They've been doing it for years.
But I must face the pain I see,
In my daughter's tears.

Annabel Sheila

I Love You Daddy

You were born today
A gift from God
The blessing we waited for
Your small fingers, your tiny toes

You turned one today
You say my name, Daddy
I feel my heart melt
The cute smile on your face
You teeter totter when you walk

You turned two today
We "talk" about your favorite show
You cry when I had to leave for work
I promised to be home soon
A little kiss on my cheek, "I love you, Daddy."

You turned three today
You are so precious to me
We went out to celebrate
We were hit on the highway
The officer said something about his state
The man had been drinking, a little too much
I hold you lifeless body
A peck on your cheek, remembering, "I love you, Daddy."

You would have been four today
A tear trickles down my cheek
I remember your little voice
"Daddy, Let's play."
I kneel down, placing four roses on your grave
It hurts to remember your hugs and kisses
And the memory, "I love you, Daddy."

You would have been five today
I try not to think about it
But the emptiness won't stop
I wonder what you would have said today
Probably the sweetness of "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been ten today
I can imagine you on your new bike
I try to hear you laugh at my jokes
All I can think of is you
I wish I could hear "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been thirteen today
I see you in my mind, beautiful
Slumber parties, field trips, and friends
All the things that could have been
And, in my mind I hear "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been sixteen today
Sweet sixteen, dresses and curls, boyfriends
A dance together that will never happen
I pretend to see you twirl around
All you say is "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been eighteen today
Moving out, on your own
Living life to the fullest
A brand new life awaiting your charm
And as you leave, you say
"I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been twenty-one today
You run to me and say, "I'm engaged."
Excited, I hug you and kiss your cheek
It would have been my turn to walk you down the aisle
As I give you away, you stop and say,
"I love you, Daddy."

I wish all these things could have been
If only you were still here
My life would mean so much more
Only if I could really hear you say,
"I love you, Daddy."

by:      Michelle Selby

Forever Changed

I heard the footsteps coming and I knew this would be another long night
And something inside me screamed this time it really isn't right
The words he was saying were ruthless and cruel
And each time he hit me I sat there and obeyed each and every rule
I sat there blank faced and scared knowing that I couldn't cry
For I knew what would happen if he saw the tears in my eyes

Each and every swing felt worse and worse
And then all I wanted was to be dead in a hearse
He got real close and whispered "Bitch I wish you weren't alive"
And all I was thinking was you're right, I wish I wouldn't survive
He threw against the wall then proceeded to pin me to the ground
He hit me again, covered my mouth, not letting me make a sound

I started to struggle and tried to release myself of his forceful grip
Then the next thing I heard was a loud, horrifying rip
His hands were cold and I cringed at first touch
I don't understand how a father could hate his daughter so much
I froze and I couldn't believe that this was really going on
I just kept looking at the clock wanting him to be gone

I tried so badly not to think of the sharp pain
And this wasn't part of his usual game
I closed my eyes wishing the time would just pass by
And that next time I opened them I would be up in the sky
He pushed harder and harder and excruciating pain was all I felt
The next thing I heard was the unbuckling of his belt

Something happened inside of me that I can not explain
I got this surge of energy and said "f you and your reign"
Somehow, someway I got out just in time
But what he had already done will never get out of my mind
From then on my life has been forever changed
It was like all I knew had been rearranged
I hate him with everything I have in me and so much more
And one day I want to end this war

by:     Danielle

Broken Wings

Wings of wax will melt and fall apart
But what if they are a true reflection of what's in my heart?
Weak, easily discouraged, and without pride
My escape to freedom denied

I can never spread my wings and fly
I will never know the feeling of the sky
For these broken wings keep me grounded
And trapped with the memories of how they once sounded

They used to be so beautiful and proud
But now they hang around me like a black shroud
Reminding me of my once known glory
And how this is just another sad story

These wings are torn and tattered, no longer able to carry me
My heart, unable to dream of the possibility of being free
And my soul, now a deep black abyss
Waits silently for death's blissful kiss

by:     Kat S

Waiting For My Dad

I sit alone in the darkness
Waiting for him to come back to me.
Can he hear my cries?
Can he feel my tears?
Can he sense my breaking heart?
God only knows such a fact.
How can this be that he can't see me?
Is it because I'm sitting alone in the darkness?
I just walk past everyone as if I were invisible.
Can he see me now?
Can he see the pain he's caused me?
Or does he look past it?
I think I should move on,
But something tells me to wait.
It's my heart.
I'll give him one more chance
He needs to prove his love to me.
As I return to sit alone in the darkness...

by:     Amy Nelligan

Saturday 30 August 2014

Thanks Mom

You say you care
But you don't 
That's why you're not here but there
You said you'd change but you won't

Every night since I was five
I'd have to be on my own
I learned to keep myself alive
Since you assumed I was grown

Some nights I craved a mother
But you were off doing God only knows what
So I sold myself to be loved by another
Now they nicknamed me a slut

I've convinced everyone but myself that I'm alright
Sometimes I wish I had a dad 
If I did, I wouldn't be out late at night
I wouldn't have gone mad

I remember a long time ago
I was turning thirteen
Mommy had a boyfriend named Joe
She loved him even though he was mean

One night while she was gone
He snuck in my room and on top of me
Whispered in my ear that he was turned on
Forced my legs open and ravished in me mercilessly

I remember the smell of beer
It tainted his breath
Infiltrated my nose when he came near
By fifteen I was begging for death

I tried to tell mom, I really did
But it was stupid of me to think
She'd leave her man for the sake of her kid
So he stayed over another night to have a drink

Mom claimed she had to go somewhere
She left me alone with the monster
Now I have blood stains in my underwear
It's all because of her

I figured I'd never find love
Because somewhere up high
There were angels from above
Who just wanted me to die

The realization hit me
I couldn't afford to live
I needed money
And many were willing to give

All these men wanted me
They were willing to pay such a high price
I felt wanted and oh so deliriously happy
For once in my life, things were nice

Until another girl came along
Stole my spotlight
Leather clad legs and a sparkly thong
She took everything from me and as usual, I put up no fight

Nothing ever went my way
I began to question it all 
Why should I bother to live another day 
My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call

My mother had died
I laughed until my stomach began to ache
I never cried 
It was a mistake

I should've been the one to die
I should be the one six feet under the ground
No one would cry 
No one would be at my funeral... Merely the absence of sound

I'm a broken woman 
I can't help who I am today
Or who I was then
So I bid you good day


Where Did Our Love Go

our love is forever strong
together we stand hand in hand
as we combined our souls
I find myself drifting with an empty whole
I don't know why but I still love you so
how could I tell if it was ever meant to be
as the tears of my life run down my face
I pray to god that this will be the last phase
the joy that used to grow within us has no belonging any more
as the moments pass there's no time for what could have been me and you........

by:      Nicole

An Echo In The Wind

We were once the youngest of toddlers
Playing recklessly without concern
But how the tides have changed
What I had is now what I yearn

We were the best of friends
I loved him to no end
But as the days passed by
It was getting harder and harder to pretend

The truth was I was in love
With the plaid boy next door
Our friendship was unique
But it grew to be much more

We dated for a few
It was the happiest years of my life
We gave everything to each other
And he even asked for me to be his wife

You see, it was everything I wanted
But he was meant for so much more
I wanted him all to myself
But he had so much more to explore

He was a special man
He stood out from all the rest
He was so selfless at times
And that's why he was truly the best

This man had a destiny to fulfill
And I was only standing in his way
He said he would do anything for me
But I couldn't possibly ask him to stay

The day came when he left my side
It was a cold and gloomy night
I still remember that day so clearly
I held onto him with all my might

It was the last I've ever saw of him
The last study of his face
But it doesn't really matter because the
Memories is not something I can erase

My heart bruises easily
As I sit alone late at night
But I often reassure myself
Because I know that I'll be alright

Nothing has really changed
Nothing that I can see
Even though he's not here right now
I still feel his presence next to me

The story of our love
Is an endless story never to be lost
I don't know if I will ever see him again
But I always keep my fingers crossed

My heart is slowly adjusting
To continue life without that charmer
But I know that I will not be in this alone because
He will always be my knight in shining armor

by:      Margery Wang

U R Perfect 4 Me

the way you held her hand
made me wish
that one day you would see
how perfect you are for me
but that day will never be
for one day I won't be seen
I will be with the guy of my dreams
that will be the day
that you finally see
how perfect you were for me

by:     Sabrina 

And You Wonder Why

I gave you my heart and you threw it away.
But he wanted it from the start.
I treated you like God and you treated me like dirt.
But he has always looked at me as if I were an angel.
I called for you and you didn't answer.
But he came running.
I needed you and you ignored me.
But he was always there
I gave you my lifetime, you gave me a day.
But he gave me forever
I loved you, you liked me.
But he'll love me as if I was the most beautiful thing on earth.
I was hurt and you didn't stitch up my wounds.
But he used a golden needle and silver thread.
I cried and you didn't hold me.
But he never let go.
I said "I love you" and you didn't say it back.
But he's been saying it to my face for years.
I was bleeding and you left me for dead.
But he would have given up his life if it meant that I would live.
I fell down and you didn't pick me up again.
But he has carried me the whole way.
And even though I haven't noticed until now, he has always thought I was the one.
And the day I realized that I loved him too, it was the best day of his life.
And when it came the time for me to fall, whose arms did I fall into?
His. And you wonder why.

by:      Beth


You said that you loved me
And I said that I loved you.
We are not together anymore
But boy I wish we were.
Because its killing me now.

My heart is falling apart,
I don't know what to do
All I can do is think about you.

I asked you not to get attach with another girl,
but it looks like you already started to.
My mind is telling me to go left,
but my heart is saying to go right.
And it's all confusing me to.

You told me two years ago that your heart
belongs to me and mine belongs to you.
But the real question is will that ever be true?

We let things get in our way,
we let people get between us,
and now I wish that it wasn't that way.
All we can do now is wait and see what happens.
But the question is, will I ever be able to wait for you?

by:       Chrystal Starkey

Never Once Never

so many words were said
with hardly any tears shed

they mentioned forever
never once never

things were shared
that led me to believe you cared

now there are only questions
ones that will create tensions

one things clear
you better open your ears dear

because there will never be forever

by:     Soleil Franco

Now As I Look Back

As I walk by I see you standing there,
giving me a long cold uncomfortable stare.
I surrender the feeling you give me,
I walk away but its you I can still see.
why cant you just let me be,
leave me alone, 
let me walk out the door,
'cause I can't look at you anymore,
I made I through
and now my life is bright with out you.



Someday you'll miss me like I missed you, Someday you'll cry
For me like I cried for you, Someday you'll want me back like I
Wanted you, Someday you'll understand why you broke my heart
When I didn't, someday you'll understand that I was the only
Girl that put up with all your mess, when your own family didn't
Someday you'll know how pain feels how you hurt me
Someday your life will turn upside down, like mine did when you broke my heart
Someday you'll have someone hurt you like you hurt me
Someday you'll realize how lonely life can be.
Someday you can sit down and think how much I meant to you
When you meant the world to me,
Someday you'll know how I really felt
Someday you'll try to come back to me like I tried with you
But someday you'll love me when I won't love you.

by:      Summer

I'm Sorry

It's hard to find the words to tell you how much I still love you, 
how you broke my heart
How we once were perfect but now we are so far from it. 
you always told me you loved me and you cared about me. 
you held me in your arms and kissed my face when I was crying. 
you went out of your way to make me the happiest girl in the world. 
now all we can do is fight and be mad over the life that didn't work out as planned. 
how can you not understand people make mistakes, 
life isn't perfect and can never be so why do you search. 
all I can say is I'm sorry and I love you and maybe one day you'll remember me.



You look at me and see nothing
I look at you and see despair
We've been lying for so long we believe ourselves
Storming inside is deep hatred and pain
Externally blank
Our love has grown apart
Only thinking of ourselves
Which is why we shouldn't stay
So when were gone, and together apart
You leave me alone
In peace

by:      Aaron Williams

Broken Love

Sometime life takes a spin…
we learn how to laugh,
cry and try to stay competent so we don't hurt again…
When he said he loved me…
I thought that was the key…
not only to my heart,
but to a new beginning…
We met on several occasions…
sometimes for fun…
but all and all…
I thought it was a start to opening our hearts…
We shared our sorrows…
sometimes for hours,
but I realize he is not the same…
only when he is ready to play the game…
I'm not a game player…
and never will be…
he came to me to fill a void…
but then I fell in love with him and he walked away,
what can I say…
I can't fix him nor will I try…
I guess we will never know what love we had even though we had a great time…
So here's to you my love…
I wish you only the best…
cause you will never find anyone as good as what you had…

by:     Natalie Kidd-Gronner

Last Piece Of My Heart

Let me say the words today
to have him here by my side.
Let him be the one for me to
have and hold for all time.

Now he's here for me to share my love,
to hold and show me I'm the one.
He makes me smile, he makes me laugh,
my life with him is something I feel I've won.

I feel I'm mean but my heart I blame,
for it's been soiled with so much pain.
But now I'm ready to let this someone in,
the one who brightens my day,
The one I speak of is him!

He turns his shoulder, I think its too late,
No! Please don't speak those words of my fate!
Tears fall but words I have none.
What's said is said, what's done is done.

He says his goodbyes and then he parts...
But with him, if he only knew, goes the last piece of my heart.

by:     Leslie Rodriguez

Love Is Sad

Love is sad, and love is cruel.
To find it again, don't be a fool.
My flower was young,
And my flower was sweet,
When we were together,
Our passion was heat,
We travelled together, never apart,
And I knew that forever she would be in my heart,
I would look in her eyes and I would hold my breathe
To lose such a treasure would mean certain death,
This sweet little thing that I used to adore,
I never thought we would be no more.
The sun went away and it started to rain,
The joy in my heart soon turned into pain.
My little flower that I adored,
My absence was long, and she got bored
My flower has wilted from the lack of the heat,
Resentment took over, and our love was beat,
If only we planted more of those seeds,
Our garden would flourish and not the weeds.
Wilted flower don't be sad,
Another's garden is not so bad,
Always look up and never bend,
And soon you will find that your heart will mend
Love is sad, and love is cruel,
To find it again, don't be a fool.

by:     David Strong

Not Here, Not Now

You come to me and go away like waves
You change moods like seasons change weather
Sometimes you act hard like a rock
Sometimes as light, soft, and nice as a feather
With you it's on and off like light
While I stay strong with great defense and might
But I don't think I'll win the fight

My inconsolable heart can't take anymore
You're putting me down
All the way to the floor

Just like the ocean will never run out of water
Just like the sky won't ever change to another color
I don't want to run out of your love
Like peanut butter and jelly, I want us to be together

You and me
Me and you
Always and forever...

I said hello
But I don't want to say goodbye
Not here, not now, not today
Not for a senseless reason
Not this way

by:     Dynahlee

Melanie Edwards

I shed too many tears and wasted too much time thinking of you
I devoted so much time to you
In return all I got where my own tears
Nights I couldn't sleep
I ask over and over
What am I doing wrong
But then I realize that it was you the whole time
I gave you my smile and you almost gave me a child
Every time you needed me I gave into you like a drug
And I suffer the side effects alone in my bedroom
Were you last left me with out a sound
Was this another hit it and quit it
Cause I haven't heard from you in a minute now
And its getting pretty late
I'm just surprised you haven't checked up on me
Should've thought twice before I overdosed on you
Cause you were the fake shit
But since I've already opened you up and saw what was really inside
it was too late
I was ripped off but now I'm screwed cause there's no refunds

by:     Kindall Perez

One Step At A Time

I can't help but see what you are thinking
You wonder what happened to us
You thought that you owned my heart and soul
You thought that you had me wrapped
around your finger so tight
But there's something that you should know
You don't lose someone over night
It shouldn't take you by surprise
It may be too late when you realize
You lose a heart one step at a time
I'm not trying to make excuses
There are no simple answers to explain
I never meant to hurt you this way
I never meant to cause you any pain
I can't put it into words
or tell you why it happened this way
It wasn't any one thing that you did
It was all those little things that you didn't do
I know it may be too late to realize
but you lost a heart one step at a time.

by:     Melanie Edwards

Left Heartbroken

Stood by the window
watching him go away
last thing I saw
was the way
he turned his back on me
didn't even say goodbye
more and more I was feeling the misery
and I just continued to cry
holding with him so many stuff
meaning that he won't come back again
haven't I gave him enough
he shouldn't walk out on me but be a man
I stared at him getting into the vehicle
hoping he'll turn back and see me cry
please God give me a miracle
let him look deep into my eye
there's no reason left to wait
he had already drove away
it was obviously too late
but I'll never forget this day
the day I got dissed by the man that I love
is there really someone watching me from above

Family Friend Poems

I Miss You

I search for the right words to say.
I wonder if you do the same.
I found myself thinking of you every day
It hurts to feel this kind of blame
I never thought I could feel this kind of pain
from just hearing the sound of your voice
for knowing you were the only one who stopped the rain
and knowing I shouldn't of let you walk away
let you walk away as far as you did
my heart tells me not to be selfish to just pray for your happiness but when I hear your sad voice telling me you're scared and confused it hits me this is what I mostly feared was to be so close with you inside of my heart but yet so very far

by:   Tiffany Kromer

Truth Hurts More Than Your Lie

The truth you tell me hurts more than your lie
Once I learned it I started to cry
Every time I thought of you
I remembered what I thought was true
I try to cover it as I mend my heart
It's no use I'm broken apart
Into a million pieces I've been shattered
Not that you cared not that it mattered
The truth hurts more than I thought
Reality showing what I forgot
My smile returns to a fake
There's nothing else for you to take
You took my heart when I learned the lie
Inside I'm dying as I try
To mend myself as best as I can
Hoping that this won't happen again
I'll try to leave this behind
As I start to find
Myself looking at you during the day
And try to find something to say
That won't bring back this painful memory
what won't remind me what couldn't be
As I start to learn it's still true
I still find myself loving you

by:    Shianne 

Pushed Away

"I'm not good enough
for you" he said.
With tears in his eyes.
"you put to much pressure on me,
I need to live my life."

How horrible I felt,
So scared and small.
I loved him for him.
I felt so stupid and alone.

"I'm giving up now,
please try to understand"
"I loved you once but
Never again."
I wanted to cry
But tears wouldn't help.

"Please don't leave me" I said.
Falling to my knees,
"I'm sorry for my mistake,
I'm sorry for everything!"

As the noise slowly died
Silence sipped in.
I could hear his foot steps,
Gently walk away.
"He's gone.." I said,
I pushed him away.

by:   Elizabeth Rock

Broken Love

I sit and cry,
all alone.
Wondering why,
I don't belong.

When we first hooked up,
we couldn't keep our hands off each other.
Now it's like all we do is
fight and argue,
And say hurtful things,
we regret later.

Why do we hurt each other so much,
if we're supposed to be in love?
Why do we get so upset and angry,
to the point of exchanging hurtful
words that we say out of anger,
They could jeopardize the relationship completely.

It's like we totally forgot how to be in
love and act respectful,
Instead we're rude, hateful,
and just ungrateful.

by:    Missy Tremblay

Feeling Out Of Touch, Maybe I Feel Too Much

Hard to breathe
Weird to touch
Acting normal
Think too much

Trying hard
To figure out
Moving onward
Engulfed in doubt

Don't look back
Too much pain
And in fact
Nothing to gain

Filled with knots
Wasted time
A penny for my thoughts
I deserved a dime

Who's to say what's true
I never said I was right
Guess I never knew
It's not worth the fight

Thinking about before
Don't know who I was
Could have closed the door
And never been an "us"

Said you would stay
Promised you could
Chose to walk away
I knew you would

Everything was fine
Said we'd never part
Knew it was a line
But gave you my heart

I'll take the blame
I've always known
I played your game
You lost alone

I know you know
There's more to give
You were a stepping stone
I have a life to live

Hard to love
Weird to trust
Acting typical
Think it was lust

by:    Kaileigh Rabidoux

Price Paid

When we broke up, man I went crazy,
confused, sad, and sometimes even lazy
I listened to someone who was
"Supposedly" my friend. So I made
our relationship come to an end.
I've apologized and apologized and
you don't seem to care. So now
without you I feel so bare.
I've wrote notes and called on
the phone but at the end of
the day I'm still all alone.
You don't realize how bad I'm hurting.
Especially when all the guys come
around flirting! You're the one for
me I know in my heart. I feel
so empty when we are apart.
You haven't talked to me in what
seems like forever. Oh how I wish
we were back together. I've tired
and tried to get you back. You
were the one to keep me on track.
I know what I did was really wrong.
But PLEASE give me another chance
it's been so long!!
you have my heart locked by a chain
and the farther you walk the harder
the pain. Baby, I have paid a price
and I will also pay a fee. If only
you ever decide to come back to

by:    Brittany 

I'm Not Turning Back

Every time I would ask, you said I was tripping.
I trusted you boy, but now I am quitting.
You broke my heart, took it and tore it apart.
You promised to me never again.
But maybe I'd be better if we were just friends.
I never really had the proof.
But now it hurts cause I know the truth.
You make me promises that u didn't keep.
But now its your time to moan and weep.
I stayed true and faithful to you.
Something u couldn't.
I wanted to let go, but I just wouldn't.
You said you were mines, evidently your not.
She already told me what happened.
Yea that's what I thought.
I knew you was playing, but I still loved you..
I had a lot of feelings so what could I do.
But now they are gone..whose fault is that?
You took a knife and put it in my back.
You didn't know what you had.
But now you don't have it.
Isn't that sad.
I loved you with all my heart, and still do.
But how could u play me for a fool.
Baby I trusted you, why did you do that?
But now I'm leaving, and I'm not turning back...

by:   Angeline Richards

The Mystery Of Love

I haven't wrote a poem
since the day he left
My words don't sound the same anymore ,
but still I write,
there's no reason to write
he will never hear my words
He has started a new life, he's a daddy to be!
I think about it and that could have been me,
as much as I love him, am thankful it's not
Happiness doesn't last forever
That's life
I can now think of him without shattering a tear
Is it cause I've moved on
or cause I accepted the hardest fact,
that his not coming back?
Love is still the biggest mystery

by:  Evelyn Montoya
       Dec.30th 2007

I Lost It

You took my fears away,
And made them true,
You took my love away,
And ripped my heart out too,
You took my laughter away,
And my happiness too,
And let all my sadness,
And tears get through,
The rest of me that was left,
Also left with you,
I lost my self ,
When I lost you.

by:   Carrie Berry

A New Beginning

Something happened to me when our relationship died,
Something happened to me right when we said goodbye.
I felt so different, I had no heart.
We had broken up before but I felt this was the end,
The end of ever being loved by him again.
What was I to do?
Without him I am so lost,
I feel that he should be paying the cost.
But he isn't, I am.
I am afraid to love another,
But afraid I should not be,
For I will find another perfect for me.

by:   Gabrielle R. Laurenti

Just Not Meant To Be

Admiring her beauty
When we first met
Her blond hair and body
I just wanted to get

The good times were many
The worries were few
We fed upon lust
Then love began to brew

As time together passes
The lust starts to fade
Life's chores become hectic
You question decisions made

First there's complaints
Followed soon by contempt
Love is then questioned
As sex is exempt

You get so frustrated
And full of dismay
At the things that are said
Marriage isn't meant to be this way

Maybe it's me
Have I changed in some way
Not that I can see
No, I think I'm OK

Then you realize one day
That something's amiss
The love is not there
No more sharing a kiss

With your heart now broken
You lay there at night
Your eye's wide open
Thinking this isn't right

My attempts to discuss
The problems I see
Only create a fuss
Between her and me

In your heart you now know
How this story will go
Another failed marriage
With three kids to show

All the love and the dreams
Once shared are forgotten
Instead they're replaced
By actions all evil and rotten

Any good deeds of past
And efforts once made
Are erased in a moment
With consent orders laid

by:   Wayne Barry


Scared confused mindless clone,
Delving deeper into the unknown,
my heart is bruised my soul crumbled
The deep despair of lovers rumbled.

Control abuse delete forget
Feelings once shared are now reset
The chains you hold are now released
My soul is free my mind deceased.

What once was hate is now empowered
for this empty shell to be devoured
Your need for me has been replaced
My thoughts of you have been disgraced

The time has come to change the pace
Look ahead, erase, embrace
The change has come upon my sorrow
The tears will wait until tomorrow.

BY:   Connie Davidescu

Shattered Dreams, Shattered Heart

My days are long, my nights are cold
Without you here for me to hold.

The moment we kissed, I knew it was right
To love you & want you with all of my might.

The hopes that we shared, the dreams that we dreamt
Then you turned around & said nothing was meant.

The memories we've got, the joy & the pain
Are finished, forgotten - you wont try again.

You said that you care, that's no longer enough
So you just up and leave - the man that I love.

You want to be free, to chat up the girls
The tall ones, the short ones, with straight hair or curls.

You never told me these things you were feeling
You've broken my heart & I cant see it healing.

I hope that you're happy in all that you do
That my pain & my hurt YOU never go through.

You weren't just my lover but my best friend as well.
I gave you my all when in love I fell.

If I meet someone else, and I'm not sure I will
This hole in my heart he never can fill.

With you all my dreams looked like coming true
You've robbed me of those, what can I now do?

You said that you loved me, that we should get wed.
We then bought a house, new kitchen & bed!

But now its all over, you want me no more
Swept out of your life like the dust on the floor.

If you want to re-live the great times we had
Just give me a ring, I'll be only too glad

BY:   Alison Drew

Walking Away

I'm tired of dreaming.
I'm through with trying.
Tired of living, yet scared of dying.
Maybe things are good for you,
but look at all that I've been through.
Look at all the pain I've won.
I bet you think that it's been fun.
You never thought I'd turn away.
You never believed you'd see this day.
Look again cuz here I go
leaving behind all I know.
Changing it all as I must do.
Not daring to stop and think things through.
Wanting to run as fast as I can,
not stopping until I understand.
Like why did I let things get this way?
Why didn't I leave yesterday?
How are things going to be,
since there is no more you and me.

BY::   Vanessa Brown


 need to know if you’re my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you’ll keep?
We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?
I’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you’re blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what’s important to you,
will you remember what’s important to me too?
With you my most favourite things I’ll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true...

I find a friend

I gaze into twin pools of warmth. 
Bright and sparkling. 
I see something indescribable. 
Something I can't quite put my finger on. 

Twin pool, blazing and brilliant.
Making all your sweetness.
And all your compassion.
Crystal clear.

Twin pools shimmering and glimmering.
Showing how you're.
Sweet, sensitive, caring and kind.
Funny athletic cunning and friendly.

Twin pools, so animated and intense.
Help me to share.
Your love of life,
Your life of love.

I gaze into twin pools of warmth and.
I see the sweetest person I've ever met or ever will meet.
I recognize a sincere and honest guy who can never be replaced.
I realize you are so special because.
When I look into your eyes.
I witness a miracle, I find a friend

everone says "i love you"

I want you to know
one thing.
You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.

Monday 25 August 2014

The Flight of Love

WHEN the lamp is shatter'd 
The light in the dust lies dead¡ª 
When the cloud is scatter'd  
The rainbow's glory is shed. 
When the lute is broken 
Sweet tones are remember'd not; 
When the lips have spoken  
Lov'd accents are soon forgot. 

As music and splendour 
Survive not the lamp and the lute 
The heart's echoes render 
No song when the spirit is mute¡ª 
No song but sad dirges  
Like the wind through a ruin'd cell  
Or the mournful surges 
That ring the dead seaman's knell. 

When hearts have once mingl'd  
Love first leaves the well-built nest; 
The weak one is singl'd 
To endure what it once possesst. 
O Love! who bewailest 
The frailty of all things here  
Why choose you the frailest 
For your cradle your home and your bier? 

Its passions will rock thee 
As the storms rock the ravens on high; 
Bright reason will mock thee 
Like the sun from a wintry sky. 
From thy nest every rafter 
Will rot and thine eagle home 
Leave thee naked to laughter  
When leaves fall and cold winds come. 

by: Percy Bysshe Shelley

O Love! Thou Makest All Things Even

O Love! thou makest all things even 
In earth or heaven; 
Finding thy way through prison-bars 
Up to the stars; 
Or, true to the Almighty plan, 
That out of dust created man, 
Thou lookest in a grave,--to see 
Thine immortality! 

by: Sarah Fuller Flower Adams 

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